Health & Safety

Whitstable Beauty School recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, for ensuring so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its learners, staff and other representatives, including visitors.

We attach the greatest importance to health and safety considering this to be a management responsibility ranking equally with other management functions within the organisation. It is the policy of this organisation to take all reasonably practicable precautions for the present of accidents and dangerous occurrences and for the creation of conditions which safeguard staff, learners and other representatives, including visitors.  To this end, the organisation will allocate the necessary resources and enlist the active support of all upon whom duties are also imposed by the Health and Safety and Work Act 1974.

In addition, the organisation’s responsibility under delegated legislation has also been considered.  These include the management of Health and Safety of Work Regulations 1999; Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, Noise at Work Regulations 1989; Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995; First Aid at Work Regulations 1981; Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999; Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992; Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.

The organisation regards the standards set by the various relevant statutory provisions as the minimum standard which must be achieved and will endeavour to improve upon these standards where possible.

This policy and the organisation, arrangements and safety rules which form part of it will be reviewed regularly and modified and updated as necessary.



The objectives of the policy are:

  • To promote standards of health, safety and welfare within the organisation and to ensure compliance with all relevant statutory provisions
  • To create and maintain a safe and healthy place of work for all and to ensure that the safety and health of the persons other than learners and staff are not adversely affected
  • To ensure that all personnel and others, at all levels are provided with adequate instruction, training and supervision
  • To develop safety awareness and responsible attitudes at all levels
  • To promote a joint consultation approach on health and safety matters
  • To provide a framework within which our safety performance may be monitored 
  • Regularly review compliance with the policy and the management system that support it
  • Provide sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all learners, staff and other representatives including visitors to avoid hazards and contribute to their own health and safety in the workplace
  • Ensure that all staff and learners receive appropriate training and are competent to carry out their designated responsibilities.


Whitstable Beauty School Responsibilities


The following responsibilities have been assigned to competent people to enable us to meet the objectives of our health and safety policy.


Role of the Directors

The Directors have overall responsibility for the formulation and implementation of the School’s health and safety policy, and in particular for:


  1. Ensuring that the necessary arrangements are in place for managing health and safety effectively, and that all staff are accountable for health and safety.
  2. Considering health and safety during the planning and implementation of business strategy.
  3. Ensuring there are sufficient resources for meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy.
  4. Ensuring arrangements are in place for consultation with employees and learners and that they are involved in decisions relating to health and safety, and that progress in relation to health and safety is communicated to them.
  5. Including health and safety on the agenda of all staff and standardisation meetings.
  6. Ensuring arrangements are in place to monitor and review health and safety performance across the company, including accidents and incidents; and ensuring that the necessary amendments are made to relevant policies, procedures and processes.
  7. Review the objectives of the health and safety policy on an annual basis.


Role of the Whitstable Beauty School Staff 

The staff are responsible for, in addition to any duties set out in this document or elsewhere, assisting in meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy, and in particular:


  1. Monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the health and safety policy. 
  2. Ensuring that responsibilities for health and safety are clearly allocated, and that the correct level of competence and training is identified for each learner. 
  3. Ensuring learners and visitors under their control comply with relevant health and safety legislation and follow approved procedures and systems of work.
  4. Ensuring that risk assessments are provided for all significant work activities and the results of these assessments are implemented and communicated to all staff.
  5. Ensuring that the arrangements for fire, first aid, accidents and emergencies are implemented, including Fire/Emergency Wardens and First Aiders.
  6. Ensuring that the health and safety management system is implemented.
  7. Ensuring that relevant policies, procedures, and safe working practices are provided.
  8. Ensuring that appropriate procedures are in place for the purchase, maintenance and use of work equipment, and that the health and safety aspects are fully assessed. 
  9. Ensuring personal protective equipment is provided, worn and maintained.
  10. Implementing the recommendations made by external auditors, enforcement officers and other relevant parties, within the timescales allocated. 
  11. Ensuring that the arrangements for communication, cooperation and consultation are maintained.
  12. Investigating accidents and incidents and ensure that any improvements identified in relation to working practices are implemented and informing the Directors immediately of any significant failures.
  13. Monitoring health and safety standards on site at regular intervals and ensure remedial action is implemented. 
  14. Ensuring that learners receive adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to discharge to their specific health and safety responsibilities.
  15. Promptly informing the Directors of any significant health and safety failure.
  16. Providing the Directors with regular reports on health and safety performance, including recommendations for improvements.
  17. Ensuring that health and safety records and documentation are complete and are systematically stored.


It is the duty of all Staff and learners to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, and any other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. They must also co-operate with Directors in fulfilling our objectives and statutory duties. In particular, they must:

  • Comply with the training, information and instruction they have been given
  • Not attempt to carry out hazardous work or use hazardous machinery unless they have been trained and authorised to do so
  • Carry out their work safely and without undue risk to themselves, colleagues and others who may be affected by their actions, and not intentionally interfere, misuse or ignore arrangements, controls and items provide for health and safety purposes
  • Check tools and equipment before using them, and not to use equipment which they know to be faulty.
  • Ensure that any damaged equipment is reported immediately to their manager/supervisor and removed from service until it is repaired
  • Not bring any equipment, or devices onto premises without first obtaining permission from their supervisor/manager
  • Conduct themselves in a responsible manner while on the organisation’s business, be alert for hazards and refrain from any form of horseplay
  • Comply with the arrangements for emergencies and fire as they have been instructed
  • Use the personal protective equipment, clothing or safeguards provided and ensure that personal protective equipment is stored correctly and kept in good condition
  • Co-operate with management, colleagues, safety representatives and advisors promoting safe working practices
  • Keep their work areas tidy and clear of hazards
  • Report accidents, incidents and hazards they observe to their manager/supervisor.


Fire /Emergency Procedure

All staff are responsible for, in addition to any duties set out in this document or elsewhere, assisting in meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy, and in particular:


  1. Being familiar with the emergency procedures.
  2. Taking appropriate and effective action if a fire or emergency occurs. 
  3. Identifying hazards in the workplace and recording and report their observations.
  4. Ensuring that escape routes and doors are kept clear and are available for use.
  5. Ensuring fire doors are kept closed. 
  6. Checking suitable and sufficient notices are displayed.
  7. Ensuring appropriate extinguishers are in place and are subject to regular maintenance.
  8. Ensuring fire alarms and emergency lighting is checked and serviced.


If a fire is discovered, whoever sees it should:

  1. Ensure that the Alarm has been raised.
  2. Where possible check that any equipment has been made safe.
  3. Collect learner, staff and visitor registers.
  4. Evacuate staff, learners and visitors from the building or area involved and check that any staff or visitors with disabilities are assisted as planned.
  5. Ensure the emergency services have been called. 
  6. Go to the designated assembly point.
  7. Conduct a roll call.
  8. Ensure all persons have been accounted for and remain in the designated area until instructed otherwise.
  9. Report to the director to confirm all persons are accounted for and report any persons missing.



Whitstable Beauty School will ensure that there are a number of staff qualified in First Aid 

Appointed First Aiders

Appointed First Aiders are responsible for, in addition to any duties set out in this document or elsewhere, assisting in meeting the objectives of the health and safety policy, and in particular:

  1. Being familiar with the emergency procedures and ensuring suitable and sufficient notices are displayed detailing the procedures.
  2. Maintaining a valid first aid at work certificate issued by an HSE approved first aid training organisation.
  3. Attending appropriate additional courses to maintain their expertise as required remain up to date on the latest treatments.
  4. Being aware of the various hazards likely to be the cause of injury and the appropriate first-aid treatment necessary.
  5. Taking charge when someone is injured or falls ill and providing treatment or advice within the limits of their training and experience and referring any cases of doubt to a hospital or doctor.
  6. Checking that appropriate and sufficient first-aid boxes are sited about the premises and they are properly stocked and maintained.
  7. Checking that appropriate and sufficient eye wash facilities are sited about the premises and maintained.
  8. Recording details of all accidents and treatments in the appropriate HSE incident log.
  9. Ensuring the Directors are advised of all accidents and incidents to ensure the appropriate investigations can be completed.


At Whitstable Beauty School we believe in transparency so many of our policies are available to download from our website including Complaints Policy, Health and Safety policy, Safeguarding Policy, E&D policy, Appeals Policy, Whitstable Beauty School Code of Conduct and the GDPR policy


This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required.

Last reviewed: 13/01/21