Safeguarding Policy

Whitstable Beauty School Safeguarding Policy

All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with this policy.  It is important that this policy is adhered to.

Named person responsible for Safeguarding: – Charlotte Waugh

If an allegation is made or you have concerns you must bring it to the attention of the nominated person. 

What to do when you have concerns, or an allegation has been made: 

Make a written report to include the following: 

  1. Name of the child
  2. Parent / Carer details
  3. The child’s address
  4. Telephone number 
  5. What has been alleged to have happened or what has been seen?
  6. When did it happen?
  7. Was anyone else present or involved?
  8. Was anything said by anyone present?
  9. Record any evidence of abuse. E.g., bruises, scratches, bleeding or any changes in behaviour
  10. Who, if anyone has been told about the incident / allegation?
  11. Record who was involved and in what way
  12. Was the child able to say anything about what had happened? If yes, what did they say
  13. Do the parents / social workers / carers know?

Complaints procedure

If you suspect, or have had reported to you, any form of child abuse or of a child/children being put at risk you must act immediately. Report any concern to the named person immediately. If for any reason you cannot get in touch with the named person, contact the Local Authority.

Whitstable Beauty School Safeguarding Policy

This document outlines Whitstable Beauty School’s safeguarding and protection policy. It seeks to give a clear indication about what all individuals can expect from its learning provision environment. The commitments and objectives described in this policy are expected to be experienced by all learners on each programme of study and are intended outline specific strategies which support the young person and vulnerable adults throughout their learning.

The policy is set out in three parts. 

  • The first focuses on Whitstable Beauty School’s key principles which underpin our approach to safeguarding and protecting young-people and vulnerable adults. 
  • The second describes how Whitstable beauty School defines how the organisation will safeguard and protect all learners throughout their learning experience.  
  • The third discusses aspects of the implementation of this policy. 


Key Principles

  • current safeguarding context in a post-16 training provision
  • roles and responsibilities of all staff to safeguard children and young people
  • potential risk in a learning environment context

Definition of safeguarding

Whitstable Beauty School adopts the definition derived from The Children Act 2004:

  • protecting young people (and vulnerable adults) from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of young people’s (and vulnerable adults) health or development
  • undertaking that role so as to enable those young people (and vulnerable adults) to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

Whitstable Beauty School recognises that safeguarding is not just about protecting children and young people from deliberate harm. 

It includes issues such as:

  • health and safety
  • bullying
  • racist abuse
  • harassment and discrimination
  • use of physical intervention
  • meeting the needs of individuals with medical conditions
  • providing first aid
  • drug and substance misuse
  • internet safety
  • training environment security



Emphasis is placed on learners’ views about if they feel safe in training environment, gathered from informal discussion and formal processes, such as feedback or evaluation forms.   The responsibility for safeguarding extends beyond the boundaries of the training environment where learners are engaging in the training provision.  Safeguarding concerns the effectiveness of providing sufficient resources and support to promote the safety and health of all learners.

Whitstable Beauty School ensures that we have effective policies and procedures in place to ensure the safeguard and protection of young people and vulnerable adults, and complies with current legislation.  

Managers and other senior personnel are clear about their statutory requirements regarding safeguarding and the steps they are taking to develop good practice beyond the statutory minimum.  Specified recruitment and vetting checks on intended new employees, particularly identity, CRB and qualification checks are carried out. 

All staff understand that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and know who to contact if they are concerned about a young person or vulnerable adult. They understand their responsibilities in order to achieve positive outcomes, keep young people safe, and where appropriate or necessary, complement the support that other professionals may be providing.  

Learners are aware of how they can keep themselves safe and what behaviour towards them is not acceptable. They recognise when pressure from others (including people they know) threatens their personal safety and well-being, and they are helped to develop effective ways of resisting pressure, including knowing when and where to get help.  


Reducing Risks

Whitstable Beauty School will monitor the young person and vulnerable adults particularly if they are at an off-site provision or are in a work-based learning environment by ensuring that:

  • There is a staff member responsible for safeguarding all learners 
  • There is a clear reporting system if a learner, member of staff, parent or other person has concerns about the safety of young person or vulnerable adult
  • There are effective and prompt systems for referring safeguarding concerns about learners to relevant agencies
  • Attendance is monitored and appropriate action taken as necessary, especially with regard to the more vulnerable young person and vulnerable adult
  • Risk assessments are carried out whenever appropriate, in line with the relevant guidelines.

 Abuse takes many forms. All staff and volunteers take notice of the definitions attached: – 

Physical Abuse

May involve smacking, hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning/scalding, drowning, kicking, suffocating or any form of physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused by parent/guardian/carer feigning the symptoms of, or deliberately causing ill heath to a child in their care.


Emotional Abuse

Persistent emotional ill treatment of a child / children can cause severe and persistent adverse effects on their emotional development. Can involve telling the child / children that they are unloved, worthless, inadequate or valued insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may make children frequently feel frightened or in danger. It may involve the exploitation or corruption of children.


Sexual Abuse

Involves forcing or enticing child/children to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. Can involve the child/children looking at, belong involved in the production of pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. 



Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological need. It may involve family / carers failing to provide adequate food, shelter or clothing. Failure to protect child/children from physical harm or danger. Failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child (s) emotional need/s.


At Whitstable Beauty School we believe in transparency so many of our policies are available to download from our website including Complaints Policy, Health and Safety policy, Safeguarding Policy, E&D policy, Appeals Policy, Whitstable Beauty School Code of Conduct and the GDPR policy



This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required.

Last reviewed: 13/01/21